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Tidbits from "Tidbits"

These are tiny excerpts from "Tidbits," an upcoming book (in process) on Spirituality by Arun Gowri.

This page will be regularly updated with new Tidbits.

August 4, 2021

Each interaction and relationship is a partnership; a partnership to experience each other and what the Universe has to offer. Together...

March 17, 2021

It takes immense courage to be on the spiritual path. Courage to persevere, to question everything, to reject no one, to ask why one has...

November 20, 2019

One of the criteria for the existence and operation of the ego is: 'who I think I am;' more accurately 'who my mind thinks I am.' These...

August 15, 2019

Pain exaggerates, amplifies, magnifies or it trivializes, hides, suppresses; distortion dominates. Either is a state of imbalance, and...

Arun Gowri
Arun Gowri
Arun Gowri
Arun Gowri
Arun Gowri
Arun Gowri
Arun Gowri
Arun Gowri
Arun Gowri

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Arun Gowri owns the copyright to all of the Tidbits content, with all rights reserved.

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