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The articles presented here are based on Arun's many years of personal experience on the spiritual path and from practicing alternative healing. All of this shared information, knowledge and wisdom, is just a starting point. Please keep the words below in mind while you read these articles. Your own experience may differ.



Take not the words 

Of your friend

Your mother

Your father

Even your Guru

God Himself

To be true

Find for yourself

That which is the Truth.


– Attributed to the Rig Veda






Arun Gowri owns the copyright to all of the content of this website, including these articles, with all rights reserved.

Feel free to share a link to this page and the articles linked to below, on non-commercial personal social media, websites, articles, and blog posts, all strictly for non-commercial purposes, as long as you attribute them to Arun Gowri. No one is authorized to use any portion of these articles, or other content on this website, for any commercial purpose or use, without express written permission from Arun Gowri.



Life Is Multi-Dimensional



Life is experienced on multiple levels simultaneously, and at all times.


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Spiritual Development



The basis of all spiritual growth may be said to be the understanding of the relationship between Oneself, God and the Universe. 


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Understanding Health

Alternative Healing


Muscular and joint stiffness, lack of flexibility, pain, inflammation, etc. are conventionally treated as purely physical issues impacting our musculoskeletal system. However, from a holistic perspective, there is more going on than just what is experienced on a physical level. 


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Holistic Health Guidelines

Alternative Healing


These guidelines are based on actual results experienced by the people I've been privileged to work with over the last many years.


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Some Key Stress Statistics

Stress Management


55% of Americans are stressed throughout the day.

94% of working people report experiencing chronic stress at work.


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