Some Key Stress Statistics
These statistics have been gathered from the American Psychological Association, American Institute of Stress, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (U.S. Department of Labor), National Institute of Mental Health (NIH),, and Gallup.
General Stats
55% of Americans are stressed throughout the day.
66% report experiencing extreme amounts of stress regularly.
18-33 year olds suffer the maximum amount of stress in the U.S.
It is estimated that 90% of all ailments and diseases are related to stress.
More women experience stress (52%) as compared to men (42%).
77% of adults report the pandemic greatly increased their day-to-day stress.
Stress In the Workplace
94% of working people report experiencing chronic stress at work.
54% of working people report that work stress affects their home life.
79% of US workers report they are either ready to quit their jobs, or have done so already, to avoid work-related stress.
1 million people miss work each day due to stress.
80% of workplace accidents come from stress or stress-related problems.
Workplace stress has been reported to cause 120,000 deaths in the U.S. each year.
Workplace stress costs the U.S. economy more than $300 billion each year.
Only 36% of employees feel financially secure.
Workload is the most common cause of workplace stress at 44%.
The global economy loses at least $1 trillion each year due to stress and related issues.
Student Stress
80% of all students report feeling stressed often.
50% of high schoolers report feeling stressed out.
63.4% of college students report feeling overwhelming anxiety.
64% of 15-29 year olds report chronic stress.
Top sources of stress among students:
Getting good grades: 61%
Looking good: 29%
Fitting in socially: 28%
Getting involved in extra-curricular activities: 21%
Being good at sports: 21%
24% of college students are stressed about their future and finding a job.
Top causes of stress in America are reported to be:
The economy
Family responsibilities
Housing costs
Job stability
Family health problems
Personal health problems
Most common symptoms of Chronic Stress
Anger and irritability
Lack of motivation
Worry or anxiety
Feeling depressed or sad
Sleep issues
Acid reflux, upset stomach, or indigestion
Constipation or diarrhea
High blood pressure
Cardiovascular disease
Muscular tension
Appetite changes
Teeth grinding
Sexual problems
Hormonal imbalance
Weight changes
Change in menstrual cycle
Erectile dysfunction
Unexpected mood swings
Please don't be a stress statistic.
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